Sapphire, our lavish indescribable deep blue with a touch of turquoise bikini top. The golden clasp provides an intense contrast of the deep blue and rich gold. The striking back gold piece adds an eye-catching element to this beautiful top. Our lush fabric imported from Italy gives this swim suit a feel like no other. We use Carvico Vita fabric which is an eco-friendly fabric made with 78% recycled fabrics, and 100% recycled yarn from both pre and post-consumer waste. This luxurious fabric is ultrachlorine resistant, sunscreen and oil resistant. The soft, stretchy, breathable feel combined with the elegant gold piece engraved with MXD embraces you into the sybaritic lifestyle you deserve.
Sapphire, our lavish indescribable deep blue with a touch of turquoise bikini top. The golden clasp provides an intense contrast of the deep blue and rich gold. The striking back gold piece adds an eye-catching element to this beautiful top. Our lush fabric imported from Italy gives this swim suit a feel like no other. We use Carvico Vita fabric which is an eco-friendly fabric made with 78% recycled fabrics, and 100% recycled yarn from both pre and post-consumer waste. This luxurious fabric is ultrachlorine resistant, sunscreen and oil resistant. The soft, stretchy, breathable feel combined with the elegant gold piece engraved with MXD embraces you into the sybaritic lifestyle you deserve.
Sapphire, our lavish indescribable deep blue with a touch of turquoise bikini top. The golden clasp provides an intense contrast of the deep blue and rich gold. The striking back gold piece adds an eye-catching element to this beautiful top. Our lush fabric imported from Italy gives this swim suit a feel like no other. We use Carvico Vita fabric which is an eco-friendly fabric made with 78% recycled fabrics, and 100% recycled yarn from both pre and post-consumer waste. This luxurious fabric is ultrachlorine resistant, sunscreen and oil resistant. The soft, stretchy, breathable feel combined with the elegant gold piece engraved with MXD embraces you into the sybaritic lifestyle you deserve.